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每日新闻播报(June 2)

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每日新闻播报(June 2)

chinadaily.com.cn 2021-06-02 17:28

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>China to support couples having third child我国决定实施三孩生育政策 China will support couples who wish to have a third child, according to a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held on Monday. 5月31日召开的中共中央政治局会议提出实施一对夫妻可以生育三个子女政策。

Implementing the policy and its relevant supporting measures will help improve China's population structure, actively respond to the aging population, and preserve the country's human resource advantages, those at the meeting said. 会议指出,实施一对夫妻可以生育三个子女政策及配套支持措施,有利于改善我国人口结构、落实积极应对人口老龄化国家战略、保持我国人力资源禀赋优势。

They demanded efforts to implement a third-child policy in accordance with the law and to advance birth policies' alignment with relevant economic and social policies. 会议强调,依法组织实施三孩生育政策,促进生育政策和相关经济社会政策配套衔接。

Education and guidance should be provided to promote marriage and family values among young people of marriageable age, they said. Efforts are needed to improve prenatal and postnatal care services, develop a universal childcare services system, promote fairness in education, increase the supply of quality educational resources and reduce family spending on education.要加强适婚青年婚恋观、家庭观教育引导,提高优生优育服务水平,发展普惠托育服务体系,推进教育公平与优质教育资源供给,降低家庭教育开支。

A statue of Deng Yufen [Photo/Xinhua]

>100 tourist routes to experience CPC history建党百年红色旅游百条线路China on Monday unveiled 100 tourist routes to help people learn more about the history of the Communist Party of China, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. This came as part of the efforts to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. Among the select routes, 52 help people revisit the CPC's struggle over the revolutionary years, 20 are group products that stand for the country's progress in science and technology, as well as infrastructure construction, and the remaining 28 will introduce China's efforts in poverty alleviation, rural vitalization and the ecological improvement. China's sites with revolutionary backgrounds have experienced a tourism boom in recent years, receiving 1.41 billion trips in 2019, up from 140 million in 2004, according to data from the ministry. The routes were chosen by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in cooperation with the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee and the National Development and Reform Commission.为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,文化和旅游部联合中共中央宣传部、中央党史和文献研究院、国家发展改革委5月31日推出"建党百年红色旅游百条精品线路"。100条线路中,有52条线路重温红色历史,重点展示中国共产党在革命年代的光辉历程;有20条线路走近大国重器,展示我国在科学技术、基础设施建设方面取得的成果;还有28条线路重点展现我国在脱贫攻坚、乡村振兴、生态文明建设等方面取得的成果。文化旅游部的数据显示,近年来我国红色旅游升温,从2004年到2019年,每年参加红色旅游的人次从1.4亿增长到了14.1亿。

A taxation bureau official (left) answers a taxpayer's queries in Fuzhou, capital of Fujian province. [Photo/Xinhua]

>China streamlines tax procedures财产行为税合并申报将实施China's taxation authorities on Monday announced a policy to simplify the declaration of multiple property and behavior taxes to improve the business climate. 国家税务总局5月31日发布公告称,为优化营商环境,今年6月1日起,财产行为税合并申报将全面实施。

From Tuesday, when declaring 10 kinds of property and behavior taxes, taxpayers will no longer have to use separate tax declaration forms, but can declare multiple taxes on one form, the State Taxation Administration said. 合并申报整体改造了10税种申报流程,纳税人申报多个税种时,不再单独使用分税种申报表,而是在一张纳税申报表上同时申报多个税种。

The 10 kinds of property and behavior taxes include urban and township land-use tax, real-estate tax, vehicle and vessel tax, stamp tax, farmland-occupation tax, resource tax, land-appreciation tax, deed tax, environmental-protection tax and tobacco tax. 财产行为税合并申报的税种范围包括城镇土地使用税、房产税、车船税、印花税、耕地占用税、资源税、土地增值税、契税、环境保护税、烟叶税等10个税种。

The reform is expected to improve efficiency in tax administration, and the tax authorities will continue to introduce new reforms on tax services to facilitate high-quality economic and social development, said Han Guorong, an official with the administration. 国家税务总局纳税服务司司长韩国荣说,通过整合各税种申报表,将进一步提高办税效率。在此基础上,税务部门将继续适时推出新的便民办税缴费措施,不断优化升级税费服务,更好助力经济社会高质量发展。

Security personnel stand guard near the Olympic rings monument during a rally by anti-Olympics protesters outside the Japanese Olympic Committee headquarters, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Tokyo, Japan May 18, 2021. [Photo/Agencies]

>More restrictions for Tokyo Olympics东京奥运看台或禁观众吃喝With the Tokyo Olympics set to kick off in less than two months on July 23, Japanese authorities have come up with draft measures to prevent the games from turning into a superspreader event, the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper reported, citing government officials. 日本《读卖新闻》援引政府官员消息称,距离东京奥运会7月23日开幕还有不到两个月,日本政府已起草一份防疫措施草案,旨在防止此次奥运会的举办演变成"超级传播"事件。

Fans will be required to show a vaccination certificate or a negative COVID-19 test result taken within a week of attending an event. 东京奥运会到场观众需出具疫苗接种证明或一周内新冠病毒检测阴性报告;

By the end of June, authorities are set to determine the maximum capacity at each facility, where additional security guards will be deployed to check for violations, and ensure the orderly entry and exit of the crowds. 到6月底,日本有关方面将确定每个设施的最大容量,在设施周边部署额外安保人员以检查违规行为,并将确保人群有序进出;

Wearing masks will be mandatory at all times inside the venue, and the authorities are even mulling a ban on eating and drinking in the stands. 在场馆内,任何时候都必须戴上口罩。日方在草案中甚至还提出禁止(观众)在看台上吃、喝;

Chaotic and loud cheering, hugging and high-fiving may also be banned, according to the paper.大声欢呼、拥抱和击掌等行为也可能被禁止。

The limitations, if adopted, will only apply to Japanese fans, however, since all foreign visitors were already banned from attending the games back in March.上述措施如果实施,将只适用于日本观众,因为今年3月,日本方面已宣布不会允许海外观众入境观看东京奥运会。

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